Dog in harness (Closeup)
  • Event/Training submissions are published for humane organizations and animal care and control agencies.
  • Please allow up to seven business days for your submission to appear online.
  • Event/Training must be for animal welfare staff and volunteers. Those intended for members of the public will not be posted.
  • Event/Training should be relevant to and available for staff and volunteers outside of your organization (e.g., training for a program specific to one organization will not be posted).
Training Information
Please provide a URL where people can learn more about this training
A short description is required. Please include information on how to register for this training/event.
If you would like to keep a recorded version of the webinar on once the live webinar is complete, please email We will archive webinars on for up to one year and then reassess. You will need to provide a link to the recorded webinar.
Training Date and Time
Please provide the date and time details for this training. If your event is an all-day event, you do not need to provide any time information. You only need to provide an end date if it will last for more than one day.
Training Contact Details (hidden)
Please provide the contact details for this training, including a phone number in the format xxx-xxx-xxxx. This information will not be visible on the training information, but will be used if we need to contact you with questions about the training
