Caring for animals and helping the people who support them can feel daunting. Add in a staffing shortage and you’re officially overwhelmed. How do you prioritize when you don't have enough help or time? When should you take a break or push forward? How do you say 'no' to the next task so you can say 'yes' to your well-being?

Learn how panelists across different animal welfare sectors manage wellness and boundaries when staff and morale are constantly shifting. This roundtable is ideal for staff interested in adding coping strategies to their wellness toolkit.

The Roundtable Panel:

Allison Cardona, California State Director, Koret Shelter Medicine Program
Jessica Umunnabuike, Senior Talent & Diversity Specialist, San Diego Humane Society
Kristen Williams Community Events & Outreach Manager, Forsyth Humane Society
Moderated by:
Jasmin Robinson, Director of DEI Initiatives, The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement
This roundtable has been approved for 1 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credit.

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